Saturday, April 23, 2011

Nothing says Happy EasterOver like Matzoh and Bacon

In our family we celebrate everything, primarily because we come from different backgrounds.  I am Jewish and Kyle is Protestant.  And we send Booger to Catholic school, go figure.  This year Passover and Easter fall very close to each other, so tomorrow it is EasterOver.

Kyle’s family generally hosts the bountiful breakfast and the kids get to do their egg hunt at the Nana Papa Compound after finding what the Easter Bunny left for them at our house.  Those little buggers make out. 

When I was younger, my grandparents would drive down and we would host the Passover Seder.   We would search for the afikoman, the hidden matzo, to get a prize. We would have the Seder plate with all the things on it.  But generally my sister and I would just poke each other under the table till we could eat, and try to drink the Manischewitzwhen no one was looking.

I didn’t appreciate it my heritage until I had children.  When, I am sure much to the chagrin of my passed grandmother, we had Booger christened and named during a briss.  (The briss we will get to another day because that has scarred us all for like)  Mudget was christened, not named. Second child syndrome.  I wanted to help them understand the Jewish faith, but I had little clue.  I came from a hippie family who didn’t force us to go to synagogue or get our Bat Mitzvah.  We were the only Jewish family in our town.  So now we go with the flow. I read up on the internet and ask my grandfather about different holidays and celebrations and then share it with the kids when I think of it.  Maybe when they are older I will do a little more.  Hey, I never said I was perfect.  I like my bacon.

So this year, on this holy holiday of EasterOver, I think I will the bring the matzoh and Charoset to the Easter table, next to the bacon, ham, and French toast.  Hide the afikoman.  Find some Easter eggs. Drink a bottle of Maneschevitz. And say La Chaim.

And if you have never tried it- make some Charoset. Its awesome any time.

6 Gala Apples- shredded
1 cup walnuts
½ - ¾ cup Manischewitz or another tastey red wine (i used a great Blueberry wine last time)
1-3 tbsp cinnamon
1-3 tbsp honey

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